Monday, January 12, 2009

No Worries!

Twas the third day of Australia and all through the dorm there were spiders and roaches and ... incredibleness.

While the flights here were not the easiest, a little LAX barhopping and some sudafed flu PM more than did the trick. We even had some good airport karma (those of us who know mine and jackie's airport luck understand we had this coming), as my 3 lb too heavy bag was allowed on the plane without my being raped by airport fees...yaaaaaay! It's hard to stay below the weight limit, though, since I tend to tote around a few extra pounds of AWESOME wherever I go.

So, the Jackie and Caitlin traveling curse almost hit when we finally got to bond; we weren't roomates even after requesting to be so. While I mentally prepared myself for a Level 9 (though ready for 10 should the situation call for it) BITCH FIT, the lovely Robyn of Accomodations replied, "No Worries!" She switched my keys with another girls' and, presto, roomate situation resolved. Unreal. I was almost disappointed with how easy it was; I didn't have to work for it. This, perhaps, is the most significant and fovo(u)red difference I've noticed thusfar between Australia and the States (besides the charming aussie penchant for occasional olde english spelling)--the relaxed culture and patience of employees of all sorts (bank tellers, admins, coffee barristas, travel agents, etc.)

I will also now ennumerate a few other cultural lessons I've learned:
-asking for "cream" in your coffee will get you whipped cream
-the cream you put in your coffee is "brewing cream" and it is thick like condensed milk
-iced coffee does not exist. there are frappes. "iced coffe" means a milkshake with a smidgen of coffee mixed in
-Tim Tams are a sacred Australian cookies. AND GLUTEN FREE TIMTAMS EXIST!
-saltanas are greenish raisins
-all of the trashy magazines have American celebrities on them (f.y.i: Jessica and Ashley Simpson are apparantly in a fight)

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