Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Can You Hear, Can You Hear the Thunder?

I would like to take a time out to underscore the characteristic aussie friendliness mentioned in the previous post. Finding ourselves woefully lacking in cute, flirty sundresses, Jackie and I braved the bus system to Robina Town Centre. There we found ourselves some good and playful dresses and prepared for purchase from the store owner, a mid-fourties woman named Erin. The following events will be relayed as actual dialogue. The names, the locations and actions are all true.
Erin: "Hello girls! You find what you were looking for?"
J and C chorus: "Yes."
E: "How old are you girls?"
J: "We're both 21."
E: "Really?! My son is 21. He's at home not doing anything right now. Would you mind if I called him right now to make sure it's ok if I give you his number?"

Cue awkward, "Errrrrs..." as the phone call is made.

E: "Alright, here's his number."

At this point, you, like jackie and my cynical self are likely thinking this guy is appx a 4-5 on the hottie charts. But wait...

E: "Yeah, he just back from a show he was in where he toured the world. He left the show, but one of his best mates took his spot."

...Great. Some kind of artsy theatre wierdo.

E: "You know, one of those shows like... Chippendales, yeah? It's the aussie version: Thunder from Down Under."

So to summarize. Jackie and I were given the number of Cameron, 21 year old son on Erin and retired performer for the Chippendales All Male Revue. Stay tuned as to whether or not Cameron's number is rung this Friday, perhaps after a few Strongbows.

And now for what is to become a blogpost staple, a few cultural lessons I've learned:
-be aware of the conversion between calories and kilo Joules, unless you want to gain the freshman 15 all over again.
-FACT: when agreeing to play pool with the guys at the local tavern, do not ask, "Are we stripes or solids?" an uncomfortable pause in conversation will occur and you will be stared blankly at. instead, they are called "littles" and "bigs."

and finally,
-target is to australia what walmart is to the states. do not squeal, "TARGET," every time you see one. you will be seen as white trash.*

*the author of this post will always squeal, "TARGET." she will also always listen to skynyrd, fix anything with duct tape and see and above-ground pool as the pinnacle of status and wealth. Thank you and Goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. 1. you better call this chippendale boy, if only for the stories you are sure to have with him. lol

    2. i'm glad to see you still embrace the WT in you. TARGET!!

    3. post pictures ASAP!!

    4. 106 days til graduation...;-)
